Game Time

In less than 48 hours I will be frolicking along the streets of San Diego, California running in the San Diego Rock n' Roll Marathon.  Considering 6 months ago I weighed 30 more pounds than I do now and I could barely run 5 minutes without collapsing, I feel pretty decent about it.

I'm not exactly a Kenyan and certainly won't be breaking any records not based on futility, but I'm pretty excited about it.  To some it seems ridiculous ( I was one of those people 6 months ago and still cling to that), but the idea of accomplishing it reminds me of when I used to Mountain Climb or jump out of planes, I miss that rush.  

So feel free to check up on hourly splits or the final results online.  I might post Monday or something once I wake up from the hangover if I can crawl over to the computer and prop myself up in a chair.  Have a good weekend feeling pathetic and worthless while I do something extraordinary....and by that I mean have fun getting drunk and having a great time while I torture myself.

I Am Weak.

I did the Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout last night.  Well, sort of anyway.  It was ridiculous..plyometric pushups, clapping pushups, one armed pushups and this is ignoring the shoulders and tricep isolation exercises the side to side pushups.  I'm worthless and weak and I didn't even go all out with the marathon coming up.  I basically skipped Ab Ripper X.  Another week and a half and it's game time, I might hide in a closet.


First of all I want to make it clear early to anyone who might stumble onto this blog....I am in no way affiliated with, P90X, Tony Horton or anything related the P90X program.  I am not a trainer or in the medical field, but my wife is a Registered Dietician.  We work out and exercise and I used to be into the research quite a bit, but I wont be here offering any medical opinions and I'm not trying to sell a product.  There, as if all of this weren't obvious, now you know I'm simply doing this to waste time and offer my opinion.

Crushin' It

Mel and I are tapering our training off here as we approach the San Diego Marathon on Sunday, but last night we ran about 3.5 miles after an 8 mile run Monday and I crushed it.  It felt solid and although it is a far cry from an entire marathon, I'm feeling better about the run.

The bottom line is simple; The San Diego marathon is going to break my will to live, but I will finish it and I will beat most (or at least some) of the 65+ female crowd in the process. If you go to the website on Sunday you can track our progress periodically, that is if you need a good laugh on Sunday morning.

Tonight I won't be running, but I will be doing one last P90X DVD before the race so I can look beastly in my sleeveless shirt.  I'm leaving the review portion for when the program actually starts, but I'll let you know tomorrow whether or not it was a good idea.  Feel free to leave comments here guys, and make sure to subscribe to the RSS feed at the bottom right of the page to get notified of all the magical updates on the page.

Another Team Joins the Race

My good friend Shawn and his wife Tiffany have purchased P90X and plan to start the program once again on the epic and quickly approaching day of June 8.  They too plan to follow both the diet regimen and the workout program faithfully, but only time will tell.

I give Shawn a better chance than Mauzy, he did have the dedication to consistently eat garbage to become his currently portly if he can translate that dedication into something useful he has a good shot.  Either way good luck, hang around and comment and let's get those abs back.

Lifestyle Changes

This weekend was Memorial Day weekend of course and my wife and I went to a Cardinals game, hung out with family, my friend Mauzy came over and then my wife's family came over for a BBQ yesterday afternoon.  All in all a good weekend....there was one common denominator to all of these situations which will prove interesting during our P90X run: drinking.  We drank heavily all weekend and this isn't an isolated incident.

It is certainly going to be interesting to see how difficult it is to remove drinking ( not entirely) from the diet along with all the other sacrifices.  Regardless, I'm still looking forward to the program and also laughing at Mauzy when he fails miserably and quits within two weeks.


I just wanted to get this out and make sure it was a part of public record.  My good friend Mauzy has pledged to not only do the P90X with me, but also follow the diet plan for the most part (besides consistent binge drinking).

So let it be known, if Mauzy does not  follow through with the program, his shit is wizzeak.

Speaking of promises, I have also promised my wife that if she follows the program with me that I will prepare 50% of the food for us both.  Which will be a 99% increase in the food I prepare that is not previously frozen. Dear god help us.

Here We Go...

So the official start of the program for my wife and I doesn't start until June 8th, but I thought I would get this rolling a bit early.  We have the San Diego marathon coming up on the 31st (which will ruin me) and I've already started dabbling in the P90X workouts in between runs (which have ruined me). 

I know you are all just waiting for the Day1 P90X pictures, but don't worry....2.5 weeks and they will be all yours.