Crushin' It

Mel and I are tapering our training off here as we approach the San Diego Marathon on Sunday, but last night we ran about 3.5 miles after an 8 mile run Monday and I crushed it.  It felt solid and although it is a far cry from an entire marathon, I'm feeling better about the run.

The bottom line is simple; The San Diego marathon is going to break my will to live, but I will finish it and I will beat most (or at least some) of the 65+ female crowd in the process. If you go to the website on Sunday you can track our progress periodically, that is if you need a good laugh on Sunday morning.

Tonight I won't be running, but I will be doing one last P90X DVD before the race so I can look beastly in my sleeveless shirt.  I'm leaving the review portion for when the program actually starts, but I'll let you know tomorrow whether or not it was a good idea.  Feel free to leave comments here guys, and make sure to subscribe to the RSS feed at the bottom right of the page to get notified of all the magical updates on the page.


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