Core Synergistics and a Pep Talk

So you think it's an off week.  You really only have two real workouts, both being Core Synergistics.  You start off streching and warming up for an extended period and then think you can take time off and have a relaxing workout.


If you do it right, Core doesn't mess around. It works nearly your entire body in some capacity and is typically one exercise after another. Crazy pushups and stupid banana/supermans.  Bottom line, don't shrug off the rest week.

So, on another topic, some of you that follow this blog supposedly will actually be getting entries via email now, as I added you to the list.  As far as I know, my good friend Mauzy is the only one here doing anything related to P90X anymore, besides him Matt may be the only one actually exercising.  Since I haven't been blogging to motivate you, I blame myself. Now that I am going to be blogging again, you have no choice and no excuse but to get back at it and take care of business.  Partying is a legitimate use of free time, but most of you are probably just throwing your time away doing other worthless activities when you could be getting healthier, feeling better, looking better and getting absolutely shredded like me.

Start doing sprint triathlons or running races to give yourself a goal.  If actual competition isn't your thing think about the sweet, sweet ladies (or guys) that will be far more attracted to you.   Think about how having diabetes would really suck or just keep in mind that if you drink 4 days/nights a week minimum maybe you need something to offset the havoc wrecked upon your body, so you live past 40. (Unless being old doesn't appeal to you, but seriously, if wearing sweatsuits out to dinner at 3:30PM, speaking complete gibberish to children and stealing anything you want doesn't appeal to you, then I'm not sure I want to know you).

Either way, start getting healthier and you'll feel better about everything, I'll see what I can do to help.


Unknown said...

I actually ran 5 last night.

Michael T said...

5 blocks doesn't count. Plus strength training would help you alot, especially with those lady hips you have. It is better than nothing though and I applaud the effort.

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