Day 4 - Runnin Fool

My wife can dominate me at running. I realize she has run 28 marathons to my 1 and that she has continued running marathons since we ran ours in San Diego, but I still feel slightly emasculated when we run. We ran for 35 minutes last night and then walked for 30 more just talking, but she crushed a hill to finish the run and I was hurting. Granted I've barely been running recently (changing now), but oh well, I need a couple more years of training and her weak female knees to break down a bit more and then I will be able to beat a woman. Time is on my side.

Legs and back tonight, followed by favorite kind of workout.

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

I ran 2.4 last night in 18:06. Not steller, but not bad. I wanted to run further, but was more testing out my Nike+ system.

Official review:
Out of the box, it says it is calibrated to work for most people. I ran 2.4 miles on the street according to Google Maps and my Nike+ sensor says I ran 2.1. I'm going to calibrate it tonight and hopefully that helps. Honestly, I'm not sure it matters how precise it is, as long as it is accurate. By that I mean, as long as it is wrong consistently it doesn't really matter. I would like it to be precise, so I'm going to calibrate it. As far as usefulness, I'd say you get what you pay for. It is about $30 if you use it with an iPod or $50 if you use the wrist band, like me. My friend has a Garmin watch that keeps track of the same information plus maps it on Google Maps. The Garmin is accurate out of the box without calibration because it uses GPS. It is bulky on the wrist, but very good. The Nike+ is small and VERY light weight. It keeps track of all your import running information like distance, pace, chrono, and calories burned. It also stores all that information on their website and you can compare runs and track progress. It is really cool. Overall, I'd say worth $50, but if you are serious the Garmin is still better. A small complaint for someone who doesn't even own the Garmin, it measures pace in mi/hr instead of min/mi. It may be a setting, not sure. Easy to convert at home, but a little tricky while running. It is made for biking as well as running, which you would want the mi/hr. The Nike+ system is made for running and measures it in min/mi.

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